Using a Next Gen WAF to Effectively Protect APIs and Microservices

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APIs have become a strategic necessity for conducting business due to the agility, innovation, and automation they enable. While 90% of the business reaps the benefits of this technology, the security teams are often exposed to a slew of new challenges that can’t be solved by long-standing security tools and strategies.

Unfortunately, the bulk of application security solutions are stuck in the dark ages and can’t automatically scale up and down with the application and don’t support automated deployments. It’s often like fitting a round peg into a square hole…it’s not going to work without some level of adaptation.

In this webcast, we will address key elements of an API and microservices friendly web application firewall solution, including:

  • The ability to be centrally managed
  • Lightweight to allow linear scale
  • Support a robust API
Watch the Webinar